Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How did I ever get like that?

Anyone who knows me knows I've lost a good amount of weight over the last 11 months. I've been embarrassed to say how much weight I've lost because that means I have to acknowledge that I was X lbs heavier. But being heavier wasn't exactly something I could keep a secret. So I've decided to own up and accept the amount of weight I've lost. Don't get me wrong...I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I've definitely been working hard to get where I'm at. I've just been ashamed of myself for gaining weight in the first place. 

But since I'm not going to ever go to that place again, I'm willing to share what I consider an embarrassing picture. A "before" and "after" if you will...

 Before: Taken February 2009 (I love the picture of Carlee though)
 After: Taken August 2010

According to the jerkoff at LA Fitness I could still lose 15 more lbs. Ok, maybe he was just doing his job and giving me my goal in order to reach the ideal BMI for my age and height. But then he had to throw in the comment that I could do that in 2 months. Ok buddy. Sure thing.

Tonight I'll be going to the gym...hopefully I can prove him right.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day

  Can you tell she was excited? Yesterday was the first day of preschool. I don't know who was more excited...Carlee or myself? She's only ever been watched by family and can be shy and clingy at times, so I was nervous as well.