Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dora plus Chuck E Cheese equal... happy birthday girl!
(Well she liked the place, not so much the big giant mouse)

A few days prior to Carlee's 3rd birthday party, we had decided to move the party to Chuck E Cheese because we weren't sure what the weather was going to be like. I was bummed because we had planned to have a little Dora party at the house with a jumper. But if it was to rain, it wouldn't be much of a party so I went ahead and booked Chuck E Cheese.

The morning of the party was beautiful and sunny, but it had rained the night before so I was still happy we made the decision to have the party inside. And after having a party at Chuck E Cheese, I would definitely do it again. We had a great experience. I just kept envisioning a bunch of screaming kids running around. But we were fortunate to be the only party at that time slot, so we had the whole room to ourselves. There weren't many other people at Chuck E Cheese during that time either. We also had a "party hostess" that did everything for us and was on top of everything. She really made an effort to make sure we didn't have to do much.

Carlee was kind of overwhelmed by the day. She was bouncing off the walls the morning before her party, so by the time we got to Chuck E Cheese she was a little tired. Then throw in the bright lights, giant animals singing on stage, a ton of games and she's not sure what to make of it. But overall she had fun and definitely like the part of eating cupcakes and opening presents.

Still stuck with the Dora theme...

I think this face explains it all.

Cupcakes that Grandma made.

Goody bags.
I had glued the little faces on to resemble Dora's backpack. I thought they looked kind of ghetto but when Carlee saw it she said "Backpack!" So I guess they serve their purpose.

Another tired/ overwhelmed expression.

Chuck E.

Blowing out her candles (sorry its out of focus).

Definitely enjoyed licking the frosting!

The only picture I got of her opening her gifts. Its hard to take pictures and help her read the cards and stop the kids from digging into every present.

The nice thing about the party was that it was over in 2 hours which I felt was just the right amount of time. We also didn't have to clean up a thing! That was probably the highlight of the day. We just got to leave and go home to nap.

Hope you had a great 3rd birthday, Carlee!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Came Early

We were fortunate enough to celebrate Halloween early and spend time with some family that we normally wouldn't have seen on Halloween. Carlee and her cousin Austin are only 2.5 weeks apart and they were the first babies on that side of the family in 20-some years. So its great when we are able to get together for the kids.

I love this picture. They just enjoy each other and have so much fun. I caught them in the middle of laughing and having a good time.


In addition to getting together for the Halloween festivities, we got to meet the newest addition...sweet baby Tristan!

Once we visited, honored the new mommy of 2 and new baby, we got the kids ready for the Halloween carnival. Here is Spiderman and Ariel/ Little Mermaid...

They got to pick a pumpkin from the "pumpkin patch", play games, visited the petting zoo, bounced in a jumper, got some popcorn (see a theme here?)

Then it was time for trick-or-treating. These kids had trick-or-treating down! Although it wasn't really hard to convince 2 three year olds to ask for candy.

By the end of the night, we had a pretty good loot (and it's not even Halloween)! Time to throw away some candy before mommy eats it. The next week is going to be filled with birthday cupcakes and more Halloween candy I'm sure.

Fall is in full swing...

It's that time of the year. Time for sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. Time for football games and rain boots.
It's fall.

I've never been one to particularly care for one season over the other. I guess I'd have to choose summer being a summer baby and all. But fall holds a special place in my heart with Carlee's birthday so close to Halloween. Once the Halloween decorations come out in the stores, I can't help but think of Carlee's birthday. And the stores start displaying them earlier and earlier...was it August this year?

This fall has been a good one so far with Carlee starting school and the festivities that comes along with that. Carlee's first school event was a harvest festival where they had a food, games, bounce house, pony rides, face painting, balloon animals, petting zoo, live music, etc.

We started the night off right with popcorn and a sno cone...

Carlee found her sunflower she had made with her picture.

She got excited to pet the bunny in the petting zoo.

Here she is dancing to some country music...

Carlee had been shy for the majority of the night but that ended quickly when she saw the dessert table. She had no problem leaving me on a hay bale so she can run off to grab a cookie. (She's her mother's daughter.) Apparently, she's a eat-the-middle-only Oreo eater.
We had a great time seeing her teacher and other faculty as well as her friends and their families. A great start to a great season! And its only just begun...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What would I do without my kid!?

I surely wouldn't have anything to blog about.
I also wouldn't have my daily entertainment that is Carlee.

Playing naked while wearing a crown, veil, and stunna shades. Yep, that's how she rolls.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"I need to tell you a secret..."

That is what my little girl tells me all the time. Then she'll walk up to me and whisper in my ear ..."I love you."

Look at that face! How can she not melt your heart!? I took the picture just a couple of hours before she woke up with a fever and threw up all over me. She wasn't so sweet and peaceful looking then, but I love her all the same.