Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Vacay of the Year

Ever since my best friend moved to Texas last summer, I've been wanting to go visit her. She's been back home a couple times since moving but with her buying a new house and a whole new life out in Texas, I wanted to visit her.

We decided that January was a good time to go out there. It was her boyfriend's birthday weekend so they'd both have the weekend off from work and I'd get to meet all of their friends. I didn't care what we did as long as I got to spend time with my friend.

I flew in Friday evening and we headed straight to the market to get stuff to make since they were having people over at their house to start the birthday celebrations. My first experience with Texas was going to an H-E-B, a market on steroids. I guess everything is bigger in Texas. 

Then it was time to party at their house....
T, J (the birthday boy), and myself

Don't know what's going on here

Always taking pictures
Happy birthday J!!
The night was filled with food, drinks, good company, more food.... a great start to the weekend.

Saturday I woke up early of course. Even with the time difference I still am an early bird. We headed to the Galleria for lunch and shopping. J was such a good sport... it was his birthday and he was taking us shopping. What a trooper. After shopping, we went to a sports bar where their friend works to watch some football. So the day wasn't all about me and T. Luckily we love football just as much as most guys.

After spending the good part of the day watching football, we decided it was time to head home to get ready for our night out on the town. I normally wouldn't bore you with details of us getting ready (who needs to read about me blow drying my hair, brushing my teeth, etc) but the following story is too funny not to share.

So T and I were in her bathroom blow drying, flat ironing, primping, and the like. My hair was a little frizzy so she recommended I put this product on it to give it some shine. Ok sure. Then I brushed my teeth, used some mouthwash, and went to rinse my mouth out. When I lifted my head from the sink, T just yelled "OMG your hair is on fire!" and she just went to town patting my hair and sweatshirt. When I had bent over, my hair had caught on fire on one of the 36,865 candles she has in her house. I'm sure it didn't help that I had her oil based hair product in my hair either. So now I smelled of burnt hair. There was a pile of 2 inch strands of hair on the bathroom floor. Luckily my hair is already layered and you couldn't even tell. I just told her I was glad she patted it out as soon as she did otherwise I'd have a pixie cut.

But we didn't let a little hair catching on fire ruin our night!
Here we are ready to hit the town...

 The rest of the night included more fun, dancing, and good times with even better people.

 Saturday night flew by and before I knew it, it was Sunday morning and I had to leave to catch my flight. It was definitely bittersweet because I miss my best friend like crazy and cherish our time together. But I was also anxious to get home to Carlee. I had spent the majority of the day traveling with a long-enough-only-eat-lunch stop in Vegas. When I finally landed and came down the escalator, Carlee came running to me and jumped in my arms. Talk about a great feeling especially after traveling.

I will say that Houston had left an impression on me. (Although I wanted to cry when I saw the prices of houses and what you get for that price). I was glad to see new life in Texas and to see her beyond happy there. I'm excited for her and J and what their future holds. I just wish they weren't so damn far! Next time I visit I'm taking Carlee and we're staying longer!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

"What's two thousand and eleven?"
A new year. A new beginning. A fresh start.
None of these answers satisfied a 3 year old. I tried explaining that its the year. How she was born in 2007, etc etc etc. Still wasn't getting it. So I told her she'll learn about it in school.

Carlee and I rung in the new year going to dinner then home and had chocolate cake and apple cider. When I was opening the apple cider, Carlee asked wide eyed, "I can have wine!?" Nice try.
We were both in bed early and woke up early on New Year's day to watch the Rose Parade.

For the new year, I don't have any new year's resolustions per se. Of course the standard "lose weight" resolution still applies, but I've been on that kick for over a year now. Its a part of my life now. It is day 4 of the new year and I will be going to the gym for the 4th day in a row. Go me!

My new goal for the year is to complete my first 5k run in May. 5k might not seem like much to some people but it will definitely be an accomplishment for me. Maybe I can work towards a half marathon in August. Baby steps though.

My main goal for the new year is really to continue the momentum I've been going on. When I think of where I was this time a year ago, I can't believe it. My world has made a 180 and I am truly happy. Of course there are things I'd still like out of life and this year I plan to strive to be even happier.

I want to continue to focus on my daughter, friends, and family as well as myself. 
2010 was a good year. It was a transition year. I'm ready to hit the ground running in 2011.

Happy New Year!
May 2011 be good to you!