Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is it June yet?

Not that I want time to rush by or anything. Before May even rolled around I was exhausted just thinking of everything the month of May had in store for us. While a lot of it was "fun" stuff, it still was going to keep us busy.

So far this month:

* Joined a bunco group and had our first game/ girls night out.
* Doctors appointment (just a physical and bloodwork...not fun)
* Two concerts
* Mother's Day
* My dad's birthday
* School's Open House
* My best friend coming into town for a week (which has included a whole lot of fun! Pictures to follow)
* Night out with a friend that was postponed for months
* Weekly outings with Carlee to a park or indoor playground
* And my work is currently in the process of moving to a new location (by far the least fun thing on my list)

This may not seem like much but in addition to work and school, it tends to add up especially for a single mom. I stress about finding a babysitter at times then feel guilty at the fact that I need a sitter. Luckily we have no plans for Memorial Day (besides possibly checking out a bodybuilding competition). I plan on enjoying the first weekend we have no plans!

And because I can't post without a picture... Here is Carlee before school pushing all the name blocks up against the wall after she reads each name. She can't stand to see them randomly placed on the floor. She does this every time I drop her off at school.

When I catch a breather, I'll recap our adventures with pictures. I promise.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When I grow up

Last night Carlee had her open house at school. We spent more time at the bake sale than we did in the classroom but we did take home a book of everything she did during the year. In the back of the book was a list of Carlee's answers to questions like "What's your favorite color?" "Favorite place to go?" etc. When asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Carlee answered with "A mommy." My heart melted. After reading her answers I asked her the same questions. When I asked what she wanted to be when she grows up, she said "Princess." Figures. She also said her favorite places to go are Disneyland and the shoe store. Girl after my own heart. 

Then she started asking me the questions: "Mommy, what do you want to be when you grow up? A police man? Princess? Doctor?" I said "Hmmm...I think I want to be a mommy." Carlee corrected me, "No you can't because you ARE a mommy. When you get bigger, you can be a GRANDMA!" Couldn't argue with that.

She asked me what my favorite place was. I said "I don't know... the gym?" (I need to get more creative. I'm not good with spur of the moment answers.) Carlee grabs my face with both of her hands and says "Mommy, you know your favorite place is Target!" She has a point. Man what would I do without this kid.

When I was little I wanted to be different things when I grew up. I knew I wanted to be a mom one day. I had no way of knowing when I grew up I'd be a mommy to such a sweet and sassy little girl. I certainly wouldn't have it any other way!