Monday, January 30, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Last 3 months...

...Via iPhone photos. 

Here is a quick recap of what we have been up to the last few months. A photo dump from my phone is the best way to recap because I always take pictures using my phone and hardly ever have my camera on me.

Movie date with my peanut. She couldn't wait for the Chipmunk movie to come out. (Here we saw the Muppets)

Shopping. She looks like a serious shopper here.

At Knott's waiting in line.

Thanksgiving morning after playing with gift tags.

At Grandma's playing on the iPad


Waiting in line on Black Friday. View to the front of the store.

View of the line behind us.

Carlee looking at what to put on her Christmas wish list.

During our lunch date

At a birthday party having a cupcake of course.

After being sick and wanted to snuggle in Mommy's bed
Ready for the Christmas program
Singing...sort of

Another day at Knott's

The big rigs at Knott's

New dolls= happy child

Christmas Eve

Christmas morning with her Lalaloopsy doll that she knew Santa was bringing her. (And yes, she's in her outfit from the night before. It was Xmas Eve if she wanted to sleep in tights and a dress so be it!)

Playing her guitar. This kid loves to sing.

Carlee playing at My Giggle Place.

Being Carlee

Disney on Ice with her best friend.

With her Jessie hat

Birthday party

Park days...

Playdate with her buddy

Holding hands...

Pajama day at school. She's so particular with clothes that her pajamas had to be similar to regular clothes (dress, leggings, and boots).

Random picture last Friday.

Us being us!