Thursday, March 15, 2012

Future singer?

One thing is for sure... Carlee loves music. She was probably dancing before she was walking. She hears music and she can't help but move her body. And she's got rhythm too. For Christmas she got an acoustic guitar. She will sit and strum away and make up songs. Now she wants a drum set. Shoot me now. She also loves to sing. She has a few of her favorite songs at the moment that she sings and actually performs. She has a stage at Grandma's where she acts out a scene from Camp Rock (singing Demi Lovato's "This is Me"). It's so funny to see her sing with such emotion and she sings on key too. Maybe singing is in her future. Maybe a future Disney kid?? 

The other night I was taking pictures while she was singing. I need to get video because it is priceless. The pictures give a pretty good idea of her performance though.

 And Carlee will only wear skirts if they twirl. If the ruffles aren't long enough and it doesn't move when she twirls, she won't wear it. Already a diva!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adventures with my love bug

Its never a dull moment with a 4 and a half year old. I try and take pictures daily. When Carlee allows me. I have several shots that look like a celebrity avoiding the paparazzi... with a blurred palm as the majority of the picture.

Carlee and I are always on the go, she's always singing or doing something cute, so here are just a few of the photos I've taken the past month.

I love her little face more and more every day. And every night when I tuck her in and kiss her good night, she says "Good night Mommy. I love you. See you in the morning." I smile and think 'life is good...wonder what tomorrow's going to bring.'