Eh, 2 days early.
I'm starting a new blog as a fresh start. 2010 is going to be a fresh start in more ways than just trying to keep a measly little resolution.
I'm going into the new year newly separated and 15 pounds lighter! I've been trying to sugar coat things and watch what I say around friends of the family. But I can't hide behind what has happened. My husband and I have separated. I have moved out and am now raising our daughter on my own. Definitely not where I expected my life to be if I was writing this blog entry a year ago.
But I am determined to keep my head up and embrace what the future may hold. I'm going to live my life the best way I know how. I'll do my best not to screw up my daughter in doing so. (Raising a child is hard work!)
My goals (I won't say resolutions because people never keep those) for the new year are:
*lose weight and get in shape... this will be easier than any other year because I've already been working at it and have lost 15 lbs so far. Yay me!!
*be more positive... It's easy to get down and be negative. Its not fair to myself or my daughter when I'm upset or emotional. I just need to look at the good in every situation. Not an easy task.
*tackle potty training... this clearly won't be an easy task either. I've read that both the child and the parent have to be ready. Let's hope I am!
*read more... I used to not read at all (besides required reading in high school and college). This last year I have really enjoyed my quiet time after the kid's asleep and I get to sit down with a book. Looking forward to many a those nights.
*blog more... I enjoy blogging and sharing kid updates with family and friends. I'm also using this blog as my journal. Whatever life throws at me, I plan on writing about it here. Whether it vacations, random thoughts, pictures of my little girl, I'll post it!
Happy New Year!!
And because an entry just isn't complete without a picture:
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