Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just too tired

I swear there aren't enough hours in the day. I've been meaning to recap my girls quick trip to Vegas, vent about the terrible two's, and anything else I felt like commenting on. But I just don't have the time, patience or energy to do a full recap with pictures. So the Cliff Notes version will have to do...

Vegas included stopping at the outlets. Specifically the Coach outlet. Lunch. More shopping. Damage done at Guess and Michael Kors. Dinner. [Free] drinks. Dancing. A little gambling. Called it a night. Woke up Sunday, got In-N-Out and drove home. Quick trip but just what I needed. (Here's one picture from the night)

Once I got home it was back to mommy duty. Enter Carlee with her terrible two's. The tantrums and whining has picked up in recent weeks. Why? All I can think about is how I've heard that 3 is worse. Please tell me its not true. Carlee's newest thing is saying "Right now!" when she wants something. My response: "Excuse me!?" My first reaction is 'where does she learn this stuff?' But when I think about it, I realize I've told her to "come here right now" or "put your shoes on right now" as we're running late. So of course when she wants something done in a timely manner she's going to use the same phrase I do. So I've wised up and will change my approach. Let's hope by me changing a few things, it will somehow affect the tantrums and those will be almost non-existant. I can hope, can't I? Plus who can stay mad at this little face...

On a different note, I do have to say that I am very proud of Carlee who is fully potty trained now. She even held it from downtown LA until we got to Grandma's. (She tried going before we left but didn't have to). She was fairly easy to potty train. I really didn't do much. She's been pretty easy at everything ever since she was born (sleeping through the night, eating new foods, etc). If I have another kid I'm probably going to be screwed. Or maybe not...maybe I'm paying for it now. Because these terrible two's are no walk in the park!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Rundown

It's Sunday night a little after 7pm and the little one is already asleep. After a busy weekend and a lingering headache, the peace and quiet is pure heaven. Too bad it won't last and I'll have to wake up to Monday! Ugh. But it was a good weekend and all good things must come to an end, right?

We started the weekend off by heading to the park after work Friday. I haven't realized how fast Carlee is growing up until watching her at the park that day. Carlee no longer wants me to hold her hand or be right next to her when she's climbing, crawling, running, jumping, etc. She tells me I can sit and watch her. So I do. I watch her run up the stairs and straight to the biggest slide and go down it without hesitation. When did this happen? Then she even made friends with some kids that were playing. I've never seen her interact with kids other than her cousins or our friends' kids. There was a 5 year old girl with a small puppy that Carlee immediately took to. As I watched Carlee and this little girl engage in a conversation, I wished I could make out what they were saying. I was just amazed that this little girl could understand Carlee and having an actual conversation with her. It was the cutest thing.

After a little mommy and me time, it was time for mommy to have a night out with other mommies. I joined some other fabulous moms I know to celebrate just a few pregnant moms in the group. There are currently 8 pregnant mommies and they were all at dinner (and there were only 13 of us)! I was in the minority...thank goodness. Dinner was a blast as always. The get together's are always too few and far between, but we had fun none the less. Here's a picture taken right after I left (had to hurry home and pick up the peanut).

Such an amazing group of women/ moms. I'm lucky to know each and every one of them!

On Saturday we did a little shopping before we had lunch with another wonderful mommy and her adorable little daughter at Cha Cha's. Lunch and catching up was good but short lived (as are most dining experiences with a toddler). So we headed home for a much needed nap. When Carlee woke up, the first thing out of her mouth is "Backpack?" While shopping, Carlee had to have a backpack. She's been talking about getting a Dora backpack for preschool for days now. Poor thing doesn't realize she doesn't start preschool for another 6 months. After denying her the backpack at a few stores, I broke down and got her one. She had the Dora one in her hand the entire time and at the last minute changed her mind. She is the new proud owner of a Princess and the Frog backpack. All she talks about now is going to preschool and taking her backpack. Doesn't this look like a first-day-of-school picture? This was only to go to Grandma's house. Backpack on and purse in hand. (Don't get me started on purses. I think she's going to have a purse fetish like her momma). Once we got to Grandma's we had a mess...because that's what we do. Then we taught Carlee how to play hide-n-seek. Three grown adults playing hide-n-seek is a funny sight. Carlee was doing good counting to ten before coming to look for us (Grandma, Uncle D, and myself). After awhile she must have thought "forget this" because her counting was now "1,2,3,9, 10". Uncle D yells "cheater!!" from his hiding place while I'm trying so hard not to laugh because Carlee is 3 feet from me and can't see me hiding underneath the table. It felt like being a kid again. I think I need to take more time out to play hide-n-seek with my child more often!!

Sunday rolled around and we did the usual errands, clean, laundry...all that fun stuff. We lounged around and played. Carlee showed off her OCD side...

We did a little more shopping with Grandma. But only made a purchase at Sanrio. (Not for me, although it did bring back elementary school days). While at the mall, Carlee saw the purses at the entrance of Nordstrom and yelled "purses!" She's 2 years old, she can't have a thing for purses yet. Maybe I should stop buying purses when I'm with her. Oops.

The rest of the weekend was spent unwinding at home (and still staying on top of the potty training). So far we've been doing good. Carlee had one accident this weekend when she went peepee on Uncle D. I don't know if that was an accident or she did it on purpose! Overall, a pretty good weekend. Next weekend should be fun as well. But a different kind of fun as I'm headed for a girls trip to.....VEGAS!!