Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Before I Was a Mom

There's this saying, and it might even be a book, but it goes something like : "I was the best mom...before I had kids." I'll be the first to admit that before I became a mom, I'd give the side eye to the mom that can't control their child in the middle of Target or the mom who let their child go out of the house wearing rainboots in the middle of summer. 

Now, I AM that mom. I have the kid who throws tantrums in Target and dresses herself (it's all about picking your battles). But when she hugs me and tells me she loves me and gives me kisses all over my face, it makes it all worth it. And it makes me wonder what I did before having her.

Shopping with Mommy and Teta. Miss Sassy Pants loves to pose.

Always making Mommy laugh with her funny faces.

On a day she dressed herself and refused to do anything with that unruly hair. But that's the life of a 3 year old. She didn't care... we were going to see Gnomeo & Juliet.

Carlee got into my make up, put lipstick on, and did her version of the duckface.

Showing me how old she is. After I took the picture she told me, "Send that to Casey. He'll like it." Not Daddy, but Casey.

She's a handful at 3. I can't imagine how she'll be at 13! But one thing is for sure... my life will never have a dull moment now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Justin Nozuka - After Tonight (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: Justin Nozuka

I love music. My favorite pastime is seeing live music. Music is an important part of my life. (It's just too bad I can sing nor can I play an instrument). But for me, music can be a form of therapy, remind me of certain memories, make me smile, or make me want to dance. 

I just heard of this artist this past weekend and I'm loving his music. I just had to share because right now his music is getting me through the day.  =)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What We've been Up To...

Life just seems to be flying by, so here's the Cliff Notes version of what we've been doing...

Had pajama day at school:

Took advantage of the HOT January weather and headed to the beach.

Compared tattoos with Uncle.

Celebrated Uncle's birthday...that's how he celebrated. Carlee and I just witnessed it.

Lunch and balloons with Aiden...

Then to G's birthday party.

Cupcakes are a must...

Park play date with another Aiden

Made it to a Sunday dinner. First one in a long long time.

Grandparent day at school. Carlee with Grandpa and Grandma...

Then we celebrated Grandma's birthday.
(No pictures...she'd probably get mad if I post the one picture I took).

That's been the last few weeks in a nutshell.

Coming up...
*best friend is coming to town...yay for a girls weekend!
*valentine's day... for Carlee at school, not me
*another weekend trip to Texas