Thursday, June 23, 2011

Flashback Thursday

I was looking at some online photo albums looking for an old picture. I found all of the pictures I took of Carlee as a baby. I just had to share a few. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Crazy cousins

When I went to pick Carlee up after work yesterday, she was busy playing with her cousin (and best friend), Sydney, as usual. They were riding bikes, following one another, going on some kind of adventure, just having fun. It always takes awhile to leave because Carlee doesn't want to go (even though she'll be back the next day). 

Yesterday was no different. But Carlee settled for her cousins to walk her out so she can say bye. But first Carlee and Sydney had to have a "talent show."

You can see the two girls singing. Siena is happy to just be around her older sister and cousin. Carlee wanted to sing Beyonce and Sydney was singing Taylor Swift. What happened to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!? 

One thing is for sure... there's never a dull moment with these kids!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Version of Spontaneity

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a planner. I don't do well with spontaneous or unplanned things. Well the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend my friend and I were emailing back and forth talking about our weekend plans. She mentioned she would like to go away for the weekend. I concurred. I said I would love to just go and check in to a hotel and spend the weekend by the pool. Then a lightbulb went off... why not just do it. I spent the next couple of hours thinking about it and while we were out to dinner with my mom, I went ahead and booked a hotel room from my phone. 

That night we went home and packed everything because the next day Carlee had school and once we left the house in the morning for school we weren't returning until after our getaway. After I checked into work for a bit and picked Carlee up, we were on our way to Palm Springs!

As we approached Cabazon, I asked if she wanted to stop for a {diet} root beer float. She replied, "Oh yeah! Those have ice cream in it!" Apparently she's had a root beer float before. We didn't stop at the outlets because shopping with a 3 year old is no fun, but we did stop at A&W.

Once we got to the room, Carlee quickly claimed her bed. She chose this one because "there's purple in the picture and there's a remote and it has a chair next to it!" Her words. 

Can you tell she's claiming it?

That was short lived because she wanted to go to the pool.
Mom, I'm ready!

Laying out...

After swimming for a bit, we ventured out, had dinner, then walked around and found an ice cream place for dessert.

The next morning Carlee woke up at 7:30... it must have been a vacation! Then she was ready to go to the pool. 
Eating beef jerky by the pool.

It was a little chilly that morning from the wind. We decided to come back to the pool later. Instead we headed over to a children's museum.
Carlee playing with a magnet wall.

She was supposed to be tracing over the fossils but I think she was writing letters instead.

Waiting her turn at the grocery store. In her cart she has lots of fruits and vegetables, but then she threw in popcorn and ice cream. That's my girl!

After the museum, we had lunch and tried the pool again. The weather was much nicer. So for the next couple of hours we did this...

Which led to a 3 hour one of these...

After our naps (yes, I even napped) we got ready and headed out to dinner. We met my grandpa for dinner since he lives out there and we don't see him all that often. 
Carlee at dinner out on the patio making a face of course. I like the palm trees in the back.

The next day we checked out of the hotel and made our way to the living desert zoo. Carlee always enjoys zoos. She was taking pictures of all the animals. 
 It was such a pretty day.
 Carlee doing her souvenir puzzle while still at the zoo. This kid loves puzzles. She didn't want to wait.
After the zoo, we were going to try to make it to the aerial tramway before heading home, but before we even left the zoo parking lot Carlee was asleep. 

I would have taken more pictures if my point and shoot didn't die the day we got there and if I didn't forget my battery charger. That's what I get for being spontaneous and not packing according to a list.

I like it, I love it...

...I want some more of it!

That's how I feel about hearing live music or going to concerts. Its my favorite thing to do in my spare time. A couple days before the Tim McGraw concert, some friends talked me into going. Plus lawn seats were only $20 ($30 after fees). Who could pass that up? 

So my sister and I headed out to San Bernardino for the concert. I had been to the Glen Helen Ampitheater before (now its called the San Manuel Ampitheater) and I am still pleased with this venue. It didn't take long to get there, parking was easy, and short walk to the entrance. Then once you enter the food, restrooms, and access to the lawn section were all right there. The lawn seats weren't bad at all unlike other venus I've been to. 

Here we are ready for the show to start!

It was a nice night for a concert. Not too cold like I expected it to be. This picture only shows a fraction of the people in the lawn section.

The Band Perry opened up first. I like a few of their songs so I was pleased.

Luke Bryan put on a great show. I was a fan of his before but after seeing him I'm a bigger fan!

Waiting for Tim McGraw...
 There he is!

Tim McGraw was great too! But my sister and I agreed he could have been standing there doing nothing but looking good in his v-neck for two hours and we would have still thought it was a great show.  =)