Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm grateful for my family. I'm pretty fortunate in that department. My brother and I have always been close. One thing I'm grateful for is Carlee's relationship with her uncle. Sure they bicker and fight because they're so much alike, but they love each other and have fun together. 

Last night we were going to Dien's basketball game (I should say "our" game because I'm on the roster but haven't played yet. That's a whole other post). Carlee went to the game in her uncle's truck because she wanted to ride with him. (I cherished the 10 minute drive where I didn't have to listen to Shake It Up music). Then when we were walking in, Carlee told me she's walking with her uncle and not me. 

She sure loves her uncle. Or she's just getting some brownie points because she knows her birthday is coming up and she wants him to get her this baby laundry center thing she's been eyeing at Target.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I did it!

Anyone that knows me knows how hard I've been working at losing weight and getting in shape. Some may even say it is excessive. I say it's necessary. I certainly didn't get to where I am today from sitting on the couch or from eating whatever I want to eat. It's been two years of hard work but I finally hit 50 lbs! That's 50 lbs of weight loss! (Well 51.5 as of yesterday) I never set a target weight because I didn't know what a number would translate to in regards to my body. But hitting 50 lbs certainly was a milestone.

It all started (almost) two years ago, when my friend wanted to join Weight Watchers and she dragged her mom and I along. That was October 23, 2009. Here is a picture of me at Carlee's birthday party just two days later...
Weight Watchers was the best thing I could do to jump start me getting back in shape. I lost 20+ lbs before even joining the gym. After about 6 months I finally joined the gym and started gaining muscle from working out. I quit Weight Watchers because I felt like I had learned a new way of eating, a new lifestyle. I continued working out and trying to eat healthy for the next year.

Come the beginning of 2011, I felt as though I had reached a plateau. I didn't know what more I could do. I decided to check out a local gym and meet the trainers there. I did a free session and I was hooked. My trainer changed my diet completely. It's the same diet that his fitness competitors are on. It's a complete 180 from my eating habits two years ago but obviously it works. In the seven months I've been working out there, I've lost 20 lbs but have gotten more toned and couldn't be happier!

Here is a picture from last week (when I thought I'd hit the 50 lb mark)...

And here is a picture from our family shoot done by Carolyn at Carolyn Jayne Photography this past Sunday...

While I hate to admit I was 50 lbs heavier, I am definitely proud of myself for taking control of my life and just living a healthier life in general.