Monday, February 22, 2010

Playing Catch Up

I had high hopes for this blog. I lurk on other blogs and they've been my inspiration. I thought I'd be posting often and my blog would be full of fun, exciting posts. There's just one problem....I'm not funny or witty nor do I live a very exciting life. Damn!

I may not be able to blog about fancy dinners I've had or fabulous vacations I've taken, because they don't exist. But I can blog about all that is happening in the life of just plain Cortney.

I guess the most exciting thing that has happened lately is me going on a date a week ago. Yes, a date. It was weird how it happened, but it was fun. I'm not going to go into details because I rather not put all my business out there and besides who knows if I'll see this guy again. But I did enjoy myself which was the most important thing, right?

Oh and another highlight in recent weeks is potty training! At home, she is not wearing diapers (only to bed). But while I'm at work she refuses to go on the potty. She'll sometimes hold her poop until I pick her up and we go home. I'm sure she'll come around soon. I'm just happy that she goes for me and I don't even have to ask her or anything.

While on the subject of my little princess, I might as well give you some updates on her. Right now she's recovering from a cough/ cold and an almost double ear infection (one was infected and the other had an infection just starting). So she's on amoxicillin which she enjoys taking. She asks for the "pink medicine" now.

Carlee has graduated from coloring to painting. She no longer messes with the crayons but she's moved on to the water colors and other paints. She'll paint a picture, hold it up, and say "I made it."

She's also my little reminder. When we're getting ready to leave, she'll say "Mommy, purse? Keys? Phone?" What would I do without her? She also keeps me on track with my diet (sort of). The other day we were going to meet a friend for lunch. I was asking Carlee what she wanted for lunch. She said "French fries, mac-n-cheese, diet coke!" (For the record, she had mac-n-cheese, carrots, applesauce, and juice). Then she asks me, "Mommy have a salad?" Yes, thanks for the reminder. Mommy will have a salad. Although once I got to the restaurant, I changed that to a burger and fries. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone.)

I guess I could update my status on my goals for the year. As far as my weight loss, I'm down 30 lbs! That's 15 lbs more since the beginning of the year. 30 lbs is more than Carlee. When I'm lugging her around I can't believe I weighed 30 lbs heavier!

Another goal of mine was to be more positive. I have to say I think I'm doing a good job at this one. I haven't been emotional or anything. heck, I even went on a date. How's that for being optimistic

I'm trying to read more too, but I think my goal of 50 books this year was me being a little overzealous. I'm currently on book #5 in week #8 of the year. So far I'm behind what I should be averaging and that's a book a week. Maybe I need to pick up a book I just can't put down. On my "to be read" shelf are Hunger Games and Catching Fire. I've heard good things about these books!

When I'm not potty training or reading, I'm helping my friend plan her wedding. I love everything that is wedding. I enjoy the planning and design aspect of it. My brother said I should be a planner like Jennifer Lopez in "The Wedding Planner" movie. I asked "Why? Because she says 'Those you can't wed, Plan!'" I thought it was funny. So my friend Kristen is completely tattooed, everyone in the bridal party is wearing Chuck Taylor's, and we're going to do some kind of choreographed dance for the bridal party entrance. Its going to be a FUN wedding! Plus Miss Carlee is going to be in the wedding too. I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle. It will be her first wedding. So the next several months will be wedding planning, bachelorette party, bridal, fun, fun (and money, money, money.)

So that's my life in a nutshell right now. I'm hoping I'll have more exciting and picture filled posts in the future.

I'll leave you with a picture that I think is comedy. Its my brother and his friend (his mini-me that night). They showed up at a lounge dressed like this. You'd think one of them would have changed.

Yes, this is the kind of stuff that amuses me. What can I say?

There's a party in my...head

Carlee has just recently gotten into Yo Gabba Gabba. I thought I was in the clear because up until now she hasn't been interested (or maybe it was more that I never introduced it to her). Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse have fallen by the wayside. My house has been taken over by Muno, Foofa, Brobee, Toodee and Plex (yes, these are their names. I don't make this stuff up). This is in addition to a man in orange spandex. Sounds strange but as a mom, if it keeps my child entertained for a bit, who am I to complain!?

After watching an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba this weekend, I can't not get this song out of my head. And I actually don't mind. I like the song!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

I've never been big on Valentine's Day.

Ah, who am I kidding? Who doesn't love a day when they're showered with love and appreciation!? (Although I think that should be something done year round, but that's just me).

On this particular Valentine's Day I wasn't necessarily looking forward to it but I wasn't bitter either. I had my little love bug with me and that's all that mattered!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ask your child...

I saw this on another blog who got it from No Time for Flash Cards. I, too, thought it was cute and had to copy it.

Question of the Day:

Ask your child what mommies are for ( or whatever role you play in the child's life dad, nanny, grandparent etc...)

So last night when Carlee and I were at home, I asked her what mommies are for.

Her response: "Rock-a-baby!"

Not sure if she understood the question as "rock-a-baby" means the lullaby Rock a By
e Baby that her and I sing together. I like to think that she meant mommies are there to rock their babies!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Potty Talk

This post will contain words like "pee", "poop", and "potty." For those that aren't parents or who have never potty trained hard headed little toddler, this post may be extremely boring or inappropriate.

I feel like I'm in a potty training rut. Granted, I could be doing more on my part. I should be brushing up on my parenting books and potty training manuals. Plus we're always on the go, I feel like we have no time to spend on potty training. I guess its time I buckle down and get focused.

But what to do when you have a child that refuses to sit on the potty? I guess I could use bribery. I have yet to buy anything to use as a treat for when she does her thing in the bathroom. Oh and there's the good old sticker chart. Maybe it's just me that's not ready.

When Carlee goes #2, she immediately lays down and says "Change my poop!" She knows when she's abo
ut to go, but she rather hold it. She also loves her new underwear and will change them every few seconds if I let her. "Pink ones.... now white ones!" The few times she's been in her chonies (it's so cute when she says chonies), she's pee'd in them and screamed bloody murder. She hated the feeling and even more so that she made a mess. Hopefully these are signs that she's getting ready to be potty trained!

By the way, before I was a mom, I never thought I'd be discussing my child's bowel movements. But, man, am I ready to be done buying diapers!

And once we've mastered the art of going on the potty, we're going to have to work on breaking other bad habits...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Such a ham

I've been trying to take more pictures of the little one. One day last week I realized it's been awhile, so I brought out the camera when we were at the house. Taking pictures is a group effort. First, I have to actually get the camera out and be proactive in taking pictures. Then Carlee has to be willing to participate, which is rare. This particular day was a rare day and she was being a ham!

After the glasses, she put on her apron and chef's hat and was dancing around. This girl loves to dance. I'll have to bust out the video camera next time!