Monday, July 12, 2010

Her Mother's Daughter

I took the following pictures of Carlee recently. She's such a ham and doesn't mind posing for the camera (most of the time). These pictures reminded me of a picture of myself when I was about the same age.

This sent me on a mission to find the picture in some old photo albums. This isn't the picture I had in mind but it will have to do. Apparently I have a few pictures of myself in my mom's heels. Just as I'm sure this won't be Carlee's only picture in my heels.

Going through old photos is one of my favorite things. Its great to have all those times in your life documented. Looking through all those old photos had me thinking about how much Carlee looks like me. Lately she's been reminding me of my brother (not sure if its the facial expressions, the attitude, or both). But after seeing old photos of me, she can definitely be my mini me.

Yep, she's her mother's daughter!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Recent Carlee-isms

Carlee is growing up too fast. I don't even have enough time to write down the cute (and not so cute) things she does. I need to make a point to write in the journal I've kept since she was born. I do once a month now. Any parent of a toddler knows how much they learn, do, and say in a month. I know I'm missing so many memories that I'd love to look back on and laugh at. So I figure if I document them here, my chances of remembering these times will be greater.

When Carlee isn't in her terrible two's and throwing tantrums, she is quite the character. She constantly cracks me up. I think I've told her that she's too much a few times because if I'm laughing at what she did, she'll say "I'm too much mom, huh?" Yes, Carlee. Yes you are.

Some of her recent things that made me chuckle:

*Yesterday my mom and I were talking about tattoos. My mom asked Carlee if Mommy should get a tattoo. Carlee said no. We asked if Grandma should get a tattoo. No. Then Carlee said "I want a pink tattoo." Of course she does.

*About 30 minutes after her pink tattoo comment, she pointed to her belly button and said "My belly button. I want a belly ring like Teta." What!? My not-yet-3-year-old is talking about tattoos and piercings. I swear she's 2 going on 13.

*Carlee's responses to my questions include "Absolutely," "Probably not," and "Sure can't." Where does she learn this stuff?

*Carlee has a fetish for sunglasses. Any store we go into, she wants to buy sunglasses. This kid needs a job.

* She also notices clothes on other people or in catalogs. She'll say "That's cute. I want that." I can't believe that starts at such a young age. But I guess she was doomed to be a girly girl and notice clothes between her mom and both grandmas.

*Carlee recently learned about green, yellow and red lights. As I'm approaching a red light, Carlee says "Mom stop. Mom. Stop. Stop. Mom." I have to explain that I need to get to the light before I can stop. Then when the light turns green, she says "Now go." Thanks Carlee, my little back seat driver.

*Carlee is all about her birthday. She knows the date. When she wants a toy, she says she wants it for her birthday. She even talks about other people's ages and birthdays. She knows her cousin Sydney will be "two in July!" She knows she will be 3 in October. But then she asks "How old will Sydney be in October?" That always makes me laugh.

Here are some random pictures from my phone that usually don't get uploaded or printed...

laying out by the pool

Carlee bugging the dog as always

Carlee and her buddy playing in the toybox

On the swing at Grandma's

Researching for birthday presents

Just woke up from a nap and all smiles

Last but not least...Carlee and mommy playing with the camera settings on the phone

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's not good bye...'s "See you later!"

At least that's what I've been telling my best friend (and myself). My best friend of 13 or so years was planning to move to Texas. She has talked about it and plans were in the making, but even when the plans were confirmed it didn't seem real.

It was going to be an adjustment for everyone. My friend and I talk and text daily, see each other several times a week, and of course Carlee will miss her Teta! So as her moving day approached, we refused to get sad. Instead we celebrated her and this new chapter in her life.

Tet, myself, and J at Lucky Strike for the "friends" going away party...

Some pictures with the bestie...

Carlee loves her Teta!
Carlee "talks" to her Teta almost every day on her play phone. When I ask her about her "conversation". She tells me Teta is in Texas and that Teta is getting her a toy from Texas. (So T, you better bring her something when you visit or you'll have one upset kid). =)
T, we wish you the best! We miss you already and we'll see you later!!