Monday, July 12, 2010

Her Mother's Daughter

I took the following pictures of Carlee recently. She's such a ham and doesn't mind posing for the camera (most of the time). These pictures reminded me of a picture of myself when I was about the same age.

This sent me on a mission to find the picture in some old photo albums. This isn't the picture I had in mind but it will have to do. Apparently I have a few pictures of myself in my mom's heels. Just as I'm sure this won't be Carlee's only picture in my heels.

Going through old photos is one of my favorite things. Its great to have all those times in your life documented. Looking through all those old photos had me thinking about how much Carlee looks like me. Lately she's been reminding me of my brother (not sure if its the facial expressions, the attitude, or both). But after seeing old photos of me, she can definitely be my mini me.

Yep, she's her mother's daughter!