Monday, December 13, 2010

Annual Santa Picture

I had mentioned before how Carlee was scared of Santa. She wanted nothing to do with him. Last week she said she would see Santa only if Uncle Dien sat on Santa's lap first. But when it came time to visit Santa she said no way. Fast forward to Sunday and we were at the mall doing some Christmas shopping with Grandma. Before we were about to leave the mall, Carlee said she wanted to see Santa. "I only want to drive by, not sit on his lap." So we walked over and peeked down from the 2nd level. We watched a few families take their pictures with Santa. We also saw a line of dogs and their owners to have their turn with Santa. Carlee wanted a closer look, so we headed downstairs. That's when she said she'd take a picture with mommy and Grandma next to Santa. She was still very hesitant and clung to me with a death grip, but we managed to get her smiling next to Santa.

Grandma made me crop her out of the picture.

She didn't say anything to him but she did accept a lollipop from the guy. And that was our experience with Santa this year. Maybe next year won't be so impromptu.

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