Wednesday, April 27, 2011

H-town Revisited

I was thinking about how I've only flown 4 times since Carlee was born. That's 4 times in three and a half years. The first time was to Vegas last summer (does that even count as a flight?) Then the other three were to Houston and all in the last 4 months. I guess that's what happens when your best friend moves out of you a reason to travel. My first two trips to Houston were quick weekend trips by myself to visit my friend. This trip I decided to take Carlee on her spring break. Although the trip was a little longer than the previous ones, it was still way too quick. 

The morning of the day we were going to fly out, I got a text from the airline saying our flight was canceled and I had to go online to rebook. Luckily we found another flight that left out of a closer airport and still got us there around the same time. The only bad part is that it connected in Phoenix. Since this was Carlee's first time flying I had booked nonstop flights. But I thought maybe the break in flying would be good. Either way it was going to be an experience.
We got to the airport the standard two hours early. Try explaining that to a three year old. She kept asking where our plane was. So we got a little dinner before the plane ride. The food was horrible and expensive. That's what I get for picking the place closest to our gate and not walking around.

After killing some time around the airport, we finally saw OUR plane!

Carlee was so excited.

I tried to be prepared with a ton of things to entertain Carlee with. I figured coloring and her handheld game would last five minutes. So I brought the laptop to watch movies. Well that didn't go as planned either. After five minutes she was done watching it. She spent the rest of the flight just "reading" the drink menu and really just talking to me. 
Once we got to Phoenix we found out our connecting flight was delayed. So what was supposed to be a 45 minute layover turned into two hours. We had one mini meltdown during that time. Who could blame her. It was starting to be a long evening of traveling. Once we got on the plane, Carlee was asleep within 10 mins of take off and slept the whole 2.5 hour flight and even while carrying her to the baggage claim. We finally met my friend and headed to her house to go straight to bed. 
The next morning we took our time getting up. We were on vacation after all. We walked over to the community park. Carlee played while we watched and gossiped.

My friend kept saying it was going to rain. It sure didn't look like it to me. Next thing you knew rain drops were starting to come down. We scooped Carlee up and headed back to the house. We didn't want to risk being stuck in a downpour. 

Carlee's newest friend for the few days we were there was the dog, Bear. Carlee took this picture of Bear when he got in trouble for something. (Carlee loved taking pictures with the point and shoot. More of her pictures to follow).

Then we went to lunch at Sam's Boat where a friend works. The weather was perfect. Not humid but warm and a little breezy. Perfect day to have lunch outside. 

 Carlee being the ham she is.
 Then it was back to the house for some back yard fun. And yes, this was all in the same day. Carlee changed her outfit about 4-5 times each day. That's the one drawback to kids being able to undress/ dress themselves.

 Carlee took a picture of us, can you tell?
 My peanut and I...
 We were laughing because we kept telling Carlee to move her finger. She'd move it, then put it right back over the lens.

 We made dinner and ate outside. It was too nice not to eat outside.
 Carlee needed to wear Mommy's sunglasses.

The next day we decided to go to the gym. Yes even on vacation. Couldn't lose my momentum. Plus my friend wanted to get back into an exercise regimen so she didn't mind. And Carlee was actually asking when she gets to go to Kids Club at the gym. She gets mad on nights we don't go to the gym.

Carlee and Bear...
 We had gone to the gym, went to the movies to see Rio, and did a little shopping. That night we bbq'd and some friends came over.
 My friend had gone to the store and came back with these snacks! Needless to say it's a good thing we went to the gym.

Carlee took this picture of the piggy bank.

Carlee wouldn't take a picture with me so I'm holding her head back. She thought it was funny.
 Another picture taken by Carlee.

 This picture captured the night perfectly... just having fun goofing off.

 All that fun had to stop sometime. Carlee crashed and then it was margarita time for Mommy.

During our visit we went to the grand opening of a super sport 24 Hour gym. Carlee loved the larger playground in kids club. And after working out we went swimming. What's not to love about a gym like that?

And that was basically the extent of our trip. Or at least of the pictures anyway. The trip wasn't like my previous trips to Houston. But it was nice to just hang out and not have to worry about school or work. Plus spending time with your best friend is always a plus. Carlee and I were sad to go, but we knew it wouldn't be our last trip.

On the flight back, Carlee didn't fall asleep until 2.5 hours into the flight. She really didn't play with anything I brought her either. But she was so good on the plane. Her ears never bothered her from the altitude. It was as if she's an experienced flyer. I hope all travels can go as smoothly as this one. And hopefully the next trip is sooner than later.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm such a sap

But I had to share this video. It's so sweet. Of course I teared up. But that's not saying much because I tear up over a Nickelodeon show.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ramblings for the Week

I haven't uploaded pictures from our spring break vacation yet so I can't blog about it. Well I could but it wouldn't be much fun without pictures. It might not be too entertaining even with pictures since we didn't do much while on vacation but enough about that trip. I'll just do another post later.

So I figured I'd do a post about random things/ thoughts/ whatever...

1. These things creep me out. I see them every day at the gym. They creep me out! I'm not the biggest fan of feet, especially toes so maybe that's why. But they just strike me as odd. And I don't think this will be like my TOMS where I was unsure of them at first but now love them and own a few pairs. I don't think I'll ever own a pair of these "five finger" shoes.
Picture from

2. Carlee has been so funny lately. She is into talking about when she gets big and when I get little. One day last week when I took her to the restroom at a restaurant, she tells me "When I get big and you get little, I'll take you to the potty and I'll wipe your butt." Then she has been talking about when she gets big she will drive my car and I can sit in her car seat. I was thinking she has a point because one day I'm sure she's going to be driving me around and wiping  my butt. (That was kind of gross, I know)

3. I've been on a country music kick lately. I've always liked a little country, but recently that's all I've been listening too. As a result of my newest obsession, my best friend and I are going on a mini road trip this summer to see Lady Antebellum in concert. I can't wait!

4. I've been doing what I always dread... bathing suit shopping. Well so far I've only been looking online. But I should probably get one soon before I really need one and am stuck getting something I hate. I've been trying to find something that is flattering and doesn't make me feel like a frumpy mom. I've definitely lost weight since last summer, but not enough to rock a teeny tiny bikini (not sure I'll ever wear one but you get the point). I told my trainer I have a one piece that I wear. He argued that I canNOT wear a one piece. (To my defense it's a cute Juicy Couture suit) but he wasn't having it. I tried arguing that I'm a mom. But then he pointed out I'm in my 20s and single. So these are my options... What do you think? I hope they look decent on.  :\  (both are from Victoris's Secret).

5. I have another 5k in a week and 3 days! I better do some running. I've been working out and doing different cardio but not exactly training for a run. I tried running a few yards with Carlee last night and my legs were so tight. I better get on it. It's going to be a fun run and for a good cause.

If you'd like to make a donation for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation, you can do so through my page here.

6. Yesterday I helped out in Carlee's classroom because they were having their Easter party. I was there for an hour and left exhausted. Today I found out Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2nd-6th. I definitely have to do something to let those teachers know they're appreciated. Dealing with ten 3 year olds is no easy task. I think dealing with my one 3 year old is no easy task!
My peanut with red tortilla chip in her teeth while having lunch in Texas.

7. Yesterday I had to get gas. I was running late and almost on empty. I went to the nearest gas station at the time. As I'm pumping gas I wanted to cry (as I usually do when I get gas) because it said $4.23 for the cheap stuff. When I get closer to work, I see it's $4.09 at the gas station that I normally go to. Gas price shopping fail. Big time. But a lesson learned.

8. Can't believe Easter is this Sunday. I need to get working on the eggs for the egg hunt. And Mom, (if you're reading this) stop buying placemats!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cupcakes, Music, and Monkeys

This last weekend didn't go as planned but I think it turned out for the better. I should use this weekend as a learning tool because the "planner" in me has a hard time adjusting to when life doesn't go as planned. But I sucked it and made the most of it.

Friday Carlee and I made cupcakes for a friend's birthday party the next day. She wanted me to use all the Dora cupcake papers. I tried explaining the cupcakes are for a 30 year old man's birthday. Then she asked "What kind of party is he having? Star Wars?" I just said "maybe."

The next day we got to work on frosting all the cupcakes we had made. Carlee especially likes that part. Then we headed to the party to spend time with our friends.

The cupcakes were a huge hit! And Carlee was still up partying with her friends past 11pm. She outlasted me! I finally dragged her away from the party so we could go home and get some sleep since we had more fun planned for Sunday.

The next morning we headed down to Downtown Disney. I kept hearing on the radio that there was going to be a free concert by Thompson Square at noon. I hear their song "Are You Going to Kiss Me or Not" on the radio all the time. I thought it'd be fun to see some live music and get some lunch. And the weather couldn't have been more perfect for the day we had planned. 

 We did some walking around and a little shopping. 

 Then it was time for the show. The DJ from the radio station introducing Thompson Square.

 They played about 7-8 songs. I'm not quite sure because Carlee had to go potty right in the middle of the show (story of my life). But we got to see them perform their hit single so I was happy.

After the performance we Carlee decided on having lunch at Rainforest Cafe. That is where we had ran in to use the restroom and since Carlee had never been there she thought it was pretty cool.

Carlee especially liked all the monkeys. She even took the following picture of one of the monkeys near our table.

She wanted to take a picture with her cup. I could not get her to smile. I told her its not a mugshot. 
Then we went home for a nice long nap and to start packing. Our next adventure includes Carlee's first plane ride...