Monday, February 20, 2012

Who is this kid?

Carlee has always been a big ball of sass. She's always saying things that crack me up and I wonder where she got that from. Lately she's been saying/ copying things from some Disney shows too. And not cartoons but the preteen shows that I think are contributing to her little attitude. Not that she needs any help. 

A couple of funny remarks from her recently:

*When she was putting together her valentines for her class, I told her to write her name on each one. She looked at me with pen in hand and said, "Want to see how I do it, old lady!?" Her head even went side to side. All she was missing was snapping her fingers in a Z. Then it hit me... according to my 4 year old I am an old lady.

*This past weekend Carlee and I were organizing her toys and we rearranged a few things in her room. She sat in her room, looked around and said "Mom, I want a TV for my room. Can you buy me a TV for my birthday?" I just said we'll see (I don't have plans for her to have a TV in her room). Then she said "No, not for my birthday. That will take a long time. You can buy it for...uh...uh...Wednesday! Do I have school Wednesday?" Yes. "Ok we can buy a TV after school on Wednesday!" This kid needs a job!!

*Then last night she was showing Grandma her dance moves. Right now her favorite song is "Move Like Jagger" by Maroon 5. She can sing all the words and she loves dancing to it (or any music for that matter). In the middle of her dance show she says, "Mom, when I sing Moves Like Jagger I whisper the bad word so you can't hear me." I wasn't aware they even say a bad word but apparently one line says 'I don't give a sh!t'. I told Carlee she knows she's not allowed to say bad words. She said "But you didn't hear me." Oh man, am I dreading the teenage years. And note to self: buy clean versions or Kidz Bop versions of songs.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Year, New Fitness Goals

Like many people, when the new year rolled around I said I needed to get back on track with the diet and exercise. I hadn't strayed too far, but with all the food and baked goods around the holidays I wasn't exactly strict with my diet either. I quickly got back into my routine that I had been doing for the last 10+ months. Then my friend told me how he started doing crossfit. I had heard about crossfit but didn't know much about it. He encouraged me to try it out. 

Now after two weeks of crossfit, I was thinking of where I was a year ago in regards to fitness. This time last year was right before I started working out with a trainer (March 1st) and before I ran my first ever 5k (end of March). In the last year, I've lost 30 lbs, I ran six 5k's, did 2 mud runs, and have learned a lot about the fitness competing industry.

This year my goal is to continue my diet (basically the paleo diet) and exercise and hopefully get more lean (it'd be nice if I could actually get abs). I think including crossfit into my workout regime will be good for a change of pace and to get my cardio in. I also like the close knit family feel of the "box" (a crossfit gym). Everyone is supportive and encouraging and it's just a fun environment... when I'm not wanting to pass out from a workout. Carlee even likes it. She can do a burpee and tries to do push ups. When we left the box the other night she asked if she could hear the song that was playing in the gym. I told her I didn't know which song she was talking about. She said "Moves like Jagger!" Maybe she just likes the music from crossfit.

I also signed up for four 5k's this year. Its a Quadruple Crown series of races where I'll get a medal at the end for completing all four. I only do the races for the medals... kind of. I dislike running and do not do it as a form of exercise but doing a race is different. Its fun and your adrenaline is going. I'd like to do a few of the other 5k's I did last year also, like the OC Fair 5k and the Wet-n-Wild 5k. 

We'll see how this year shapes up, but I'm striving for a healthier, leaner self. It will be interesting to see where I am in a year from now. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Any parent...

...should be able to appreciate this.