Carlee has always been a big ball of sass. She's always saying things that crack me up and I wonder where she got that from. Lately she's been saying/ copying things from some Disney shows too. And not cartoons but the preteen shows that I think are contributing to her little attitude. Not that she needs any help.
A couple of funny remarks from her recently:
*When she was putting together her valentines for her class, I told her to write her name on each one. She looked at me with pen in hand and said, "Want to see how I do it, old lady!?" Her head even went side to side. All she was missing was snapping her fingers in a Z. Then it hit me... according to my 4 year old I am an old lady.
*This past weekend Carlee and I were organizing her toys and we rearranged a few things in her room. She sat in her room, looked around and said "Mom, I want a TV for my room. Can you buy me a TV for my birthday?" I just said we'll see (I don't have plans for her to have a TV in her room). Then she said "No, not for my birthday. That will take a long time. You can buy it for...uh...uh...Wednesday! Do I have school Wednesday?" Yes. "Ok we can buy a TV after school on Wednesday!" This kid needs a job!!