Monday, November 7, 2011

4 going on 14...

October had been really busy for us, as I've mentioned. But the highlight of the month was (and always will be) Carlee's birthday! My baby girl turned four! She's my smart, sweet, sassy stinkpot and she amazes me more and more each day.

One day old

1st birthday party

2nd birthday party

3rd birthday party

4th birthday party
I am one lucky mama. I love you, Carlee! Happy birthday peanut!!

Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm grateful for my family. I'm pretty fortunate in that department. My brother and I have always been close. One thing I'm grateful for is Carlee's relationship with her uncle. Sure they bicker and fight because they're so much alike, but they love each other and have fun together. 

Last night we were going to Dien's basketball game (I should say "our" game because I'm on the roster but haven't played yet. That's a whole other post). Carlee went to the game in her uncle's truck because she wanted to ride with him. (I cherished the 10 minute drive where I didn't have to listen to Shake It Up music). Then when we were walking in, Carlee told me she's walking with her uncle and not me. 

She sure loves her uncle. Or she's just getting some brownie points because she knows her birthday is coming up and she wants him to get her this baby laundry center thing she's been eyeing at Target.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I did it!

Anyone that knows me knows how hard I've been working at losing weight and getting in shape. Some may even say it is excessive. I say it's necessary. I certainly didn't get to where I am today from sitting on the couch or from eating whatever I want to eat. It's been two years of hard work but I finally hit 50 lbs! That's 50 lbs of weight loss! (Well 51.5 as of yesterday) I never set a target weight because I didn't know what a number would translate to in regards to my body. But hitting 50 lbs certainly was a milestone.

It all started (almost) two years ago, when my friend wanted to join Weight Watchers and she dragged her mom and I along. That was October 23, 2009. Here is a picture of me at Carlee's birthday party just two days later...
Weight Watchers was the best thing I could do to jump start me getting back in shape. I lost 20+ lbs before even joining the gym. After about 6 months I finally joined the gym and started gaining muscle from working out. I quit Weight Watchers because I felt like I had learned a new way of eating, a new lifestyle. I continued working out and trying to eat healthy for the next year.

Come the beginning of 2011, I felt as though I had reached a plateau. I didn't know what more I could do. I decided to check out a local gym and meet the trainers there. I did a free session and I was hooked. My trainer changed my diet completely. It's the same diet that his fitness competitors are on. It's a complete 180 from my eating habits two years ago but obviously it works. In the seven months I've been working out there, I've lost 20 lbs but have gotten more toned and couldn't be happier!

Here is a picture from last week (when I thought I'd hit the 50 lb mark)...

And here is a picture from our family shoot done by Carolyn at Carolyn Jayne Photography this past Sunday...

While I hate to admit I was 50 lbs heavier, I am definitely proud of myself for taking control of my life and just living a healthier life in general.

Friday, September 30, 2011

How we spend our Fridays...

Ever since buying Knott's Berry Farm season passes, we will go on any given Friday afternoon after I pick Carlee up from school. It's a perfect outing for us... doesn't cost anything (since we have passes and pack a lunch), fun few hours, not crowded at all on a Friday, not far from home, and Carlee is usually passed out before we reach Beach Blvd after leaving. A perfect afternoon!

A couple weeks ago we headed down to Knott's and made our way to Camp Snoopy. It was the first time we've been on a weekday since school is back in session and it was great. No lines at all. Each ride was just waiting for us to walk up and get on. Although Carlee's favorite balloon ride wasn't open and the show she likes wasn't going to be on that day. They were setting up for Halloween and in the transition period. We were a week early for the Halloween decorations. Can't wait to take Carlee back. She loves Halloween!

But a few little closures didn't stop us from having fun! We rode the big rigs, the speedway cars, bounce house, and even the log ride this time!


Waiting for the log ride. Carlee had been on the train across from the log ride which is dark and fast but she liked it. So I thought she'd like the log ride (aside from the drop). 

 And here is our picture they captured...
I don't think I stopped laughing for hours! I had to buy it. I feel like such a horrible mom that I have a big smile plastered on my face while Carlee is frightened. But she handled it like a champ. She was just in shock and was more upset about getting her shorts wet. But I don't think she's going to be quick to go on the log ride again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Own Punky Brewster

Carlee dresses herself...
She's clearly got her own style. But she's dressed, shoes on, hair combed, teeth brushed, and we made it to school on time. That's a success in my book.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mud, Music, Family, and Candy

This pretty much sums up my weekend. 

I started my weekend by meeting up with friends to do another mud run! I had so much fun the last time that I was excited I could join this group this time around. It was the Reality Mud Run (I never saw any of the reality stars but whatever) and was to benefit Stand Up to Cancer.

That morning, it was raining, hailing, thunder and lightening. Luckily it cleared up right before our start time. 

Team $how Me The Muddy!

Mid race by the lake.

Slip n Slide...probably the best part of the run.

This mud run was much muddier than the last I thought. Not sure if the rain played a part in that. The mud was thick and there was lots of it. We ran out of pictures on the waterproof cameras so I'll have to wait until the professional event pictures come in to see us crossing the finish line covered in mud. 

After the race it was time to clean up, get something to eat, then head home. It's pretty draining. I was ready for a nap.

Instead of a nap Saturday afternoon, I had to hurry home and get ready to meet my sister, my brother and his girlfriend to see my cousin's band play at the LA County Fair. 

We got to the fair shortly before the concert was to start so we didn't enjoy any of the fair festivities. (Which is a good thing because I didn't need any fried food) But we did meet everyone at the lounge just outside of the concert area.
Typical Dien

Some pictures of the band (horrible from my point and shoot but they'll have to do)

After the concert, we got to hang out "backstage". (backstage was actually somewhere else since the stage was on the horsetrack and had to be wheeled out).

Cousin Juli with our cousin Eddie, the drummer. She said all she wanted was a hug.

Us with Ryan Tedder. I felt like such a groupie. But he has worked with Beyonce and a ton of other people.

We're saying "Thursday" instead of "cheese". Don't ask.

With another bandmate. Don't know his name but he wasn't too bad to look at. Shortly after this picture someone came out of the trailer announcing that this guy and the lead singer were trying to wear each other's shirt but it wasn't working b/c one is an extra-medium and the other is an extra-large. My sister and I just looked at each other and said "Where were we when this was going on?"
 As everyone was packing up to leave, we were waiting for the shuttle van to come back and take us to where we were picked up. But it never came back. Cousin Eddie said they'd drive us to our car. The only problem was that it was approaching closing time and everything was on lockdown and my car was on the opposite side of the fairgrounds. After driving around the fair a few times and trying every entrance, we finally decided to jump out of the car at a red light and just walk from one of the exits. We didn't want Eddie to have to "make a call" to get us to our car. Next time we will have to stop being groupies at a decent time to get back before everything closes!

The next day was filled with more cousins and partying. Not quite the same kind though. We had Tristan's 1st birthday party!

Candy many yummy treats!

Carlee sneaking a licorice.

Playing at the train table.

Bouncer time!

Princess crown...

Don't know what this face is. Can't ever get her to have a normal smile. Its either a full on pose or a funny face.

I didn't get any pictures of Carlee and Austin, Tristan's older brother. But with a bouncer, balloon animal guy, smoothie station, a pinata, and all those treats it's no wonder the kids were a little preoccupied for pictures.

And after the party (and after my whole weekend really), I went home and sat my ass on the couch.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

School is in session!

I was excited for Carlee to start school this year. Not only because she can finally stop asking, "Mom, am I ever going back to school?" But because I'm excited for her to learn new things, make new friends, and just have fun. 

The standard First Day of School Picture Out Front. And posing of course.

 This year Carlee's best friend Izzy is in her class. These girls have been friends since birth.

Here they are at 2 months old and Carlee at just days old.

 Now they're 4 and in preschool!
 Decorating their name blocks on the first day.

After class, we went to visit her cousin Syd who is in Carlee's old classroom. Carlee got to see her old teacher and her old toys from the class. 
As soon as we left, Carlee was asking to go back. The next morning at 6:30am she was asking to go to school. Its a good thing she's going every day this year. I just hope she keeps this attitude towards school in the years to come. But I can hear it now, "Mom, do I have to go to school?"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August: Cliff Notes Version

The last month has been pretty busy. I had intentions of blogging each of our excursions but time just slipped away. I even started a blog post titled "Mid August Already?" That was obviously weeks ago. So here is a quick rundown of the last month.

I'll start at the end of July when Teta came to visit. Her visit included a concert, getting together with friends, then a Vegas trip for just us girls.
Lady Antebellum at Pechanga. 

Lunch with friends

Then a playdate at My Giggle Place

Goofing around!

Then it was time for a girls weekend. Vegas, here we come!
Vegas was fun, not too eventful. By the 2nd night we had no interest in drinking or dancing. We were tired and hung out on the couches in the bottle service area. We are getting too old for Vegas. We were anxious to get home. Especially since it took us 7 hours. But those 7 hours were spent talking, laughing, reminicsing, and having a good time. Times like those are rare now that Teta lives in Texas. =(


The week after Vegas, I celebrated my birthday!

Birthday dinner with my family. What more can I ask for!

 I celebrated with more friends the next few days too. I'm such a lucky girl!

Then we had a playdate with C and N at La Habra Children's Museum. The kids had a blast.

That same weekend, Carlee and I ran a 5k through the OC Fair. Well I ran, she sat and watched. She was a good cheerleader though. She kept telling me to "run, run, run" and I was running the entire time! Even if I thought about walking Carlee wouldn't let me. I think she just wanted to finish the race so we can get to the cotton candy stand. 

I ran it in 31:something. I ran the Corona del Mar 5k in the same amount of time (which is my best time) and that course was hilly and tough! I can't wait to run my next 5k (hopefully flat) and without pushing Carlee so I can try and beat my time. 

That next week, Carlee got to go to the river for five whole days. Without me. She was having fun with her cousins. Riding on the raft behind the boat (I'm shocked but so proud). She tried to fish in the river but her and Sydney lasted 3.4 seconds then set their poles down. While she was away having fun, I was at home twiddling my thumbs. But before I knew it, my baby girl was back home and I had fun of my own planned. 

I surprised Carlee with a trip to the "Mr Potato Head Place". On our way to the OC Fair 5k, Carlee saw the big inflatable Mr Potato Head on top of the Discovery Science Center as we drove down the freeway. We both really liked the Discovery Science Center and we had way too much fun with the giant pin wall.
Disregard the messy hair. This child has some unruly hair and getting her to pull it back is impossible if she wants to wear it down. Some days as long as she's got clothes and shoes on and her teeth are brushed, I don't care if she's not matching or has crazy hair.

 "Come on Mom!"

Posing as always

 We got to meet Mr Potato Head! Carlee was very excited. I was surprised she went up and happily took a picture with him. Normally she's a stand-back-and-watch-from-afar kind of kid.

Our highlight of the Center... the giant pin wall. Can you tell Carlee's mouth is open in this picture? While I cringed at the thought of germs, I thought it was pretty funny since I didn't know what she was going to do. We would push all the pins back to have a nice clean slate and then she'd run around and put her butt up to it to make a little butt impression. Yep, this is what we do at an educational center. 

Later that day we had a birthday party for an adorable 2 year old. Carlee had fun playing in the water, assisting with the gift opening, and of course...
eating cake!

August brought another concert for Mommy.
311 and Sublime with Kristen!

Love going to concerts or seeing live music. The people watching comes a close second to hearing the music. Kristen was just happy to have a mommy's night out (and a margarita)!

On Carlee's last weekday before school started, we skipped out on work early and headed to the beach with Uncle Dien and his girlfriend Snoopy (Carlee said her nickname can't be Snoopy because that's the dog from Knott's Berry Farm. She has a point).
 Carlee and her new friend.
She loves her uncle. Still not sure why.

The next day my mom and I did our first mother/ daughter 5k... the Wet & Wild 5k at Wild Rivers!
We intended on walking it, but we ran about half of it. The best part of the race was going through the lazy river at the end. 
 My mom completed her first 5k.

The two of us.

That pretty much sums up the last month of the summer. After all that, it was time to start preparing for school. Packing earthquake packs, laying out her first day outfit, and getting ready for class, fall, and football!!