Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First Run

I've been trying to take my fitness to the next level. Back in January I signed up to do a 5k in May. I figured that'd give me enough time to "train" for it. I've never been good at running. I hate doing any kind of cardio but I figured running will be beneficial to my weight loss and help me push through my plateau. 

When looking through the local recreation catalog for classes for Carlee, I saw an advertisement for the city's 5k/10k run/ walk. It was just 3 weeks away. Without hesitation, I went online and registered. I figured it would be good practice. And if all else fails, I could just walk it. But my goal was to finish it and run the whole thing. A 5k or 3.1 miles may not seem like much to some people, but trust me... it would be an accomplishment for me.

For days leading up to the race I would get more and more nervous (calling it a "race" just made me nervous). I had never done a 5k, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was nervous because I didn't want to roll my ankle or something along those lines. The night before the race, Carlee was getting ready to go to her dad's and I was telling her about me running in the morning. Her reply, "Mommy, I want to be there. I want to be your cheerleader." She knows just what to say sometimes!

The morning of the race I woke up early and headed to check in. Having never done one before I realized I didn't have to get there right when registration opens. I had more time to sit and wait (and get anxious). My mom and brother came to support me, so I was able to visit with them before the race. 

Then it was time to line up. I joined the crowds of people and found a spot. Then realized I was in the area for 6 minute mile runners. Oh no. That's not me. So I moved back a bit. Then we were off! It took me 30 seconds to even get to the start line because there were so many people. But then the people quickly spread out. I felt like I was off to a decent start aside from the beginning of the route being uphill. Then my pants started to slip down. You've got to be kidding me, I thought. I spent the first mile pulling my pants up. I guess it took my mind off the physical demand of running. 

Then I hit the mile marker and everything magically got better. I was running downhill. My pants got situated or they were on my hips, all I know was that they weren't bothering me anymore. And I seem to get into a groove. Also when I hit the one mile spot, I thought "That went by quick. I'm a third of the way done. This isn't so bad." And honestly the next two miles were easier than the first. But don't get me wrong, I was ecstatic to see the finish line and drop off my j-chip. I met my mom and brother and then we left. 

My goal was complete.

I plan on doing more 5k's in the future. My friend wants me to run a half marathon with her. Wait, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Baby steps.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thought for the Day

Someone posted the following quote and it hit home for me so I wanted to share.

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot." -Michael Altshuler
All too often I say time flies especially when it comes to my child. She's almost 3 and a half, already in school, starting sports and dance. Where did the time go? Next time I think that I have to remind myself that I'm the "pilot" and have been there through all those moments that seem to flash before my eyes.
I love being a pilot when she is my passenger.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Winner winner chicken dinner!

There is a particular clothing company that I "like" on Facebook (and in real life for that matter...cute clothes)! So when Mixie Clothing posted that they were having a giveaway, I decided to give it a shot. All I had to do was follow them on Twitter and leave a comment. Done!

This was the dress (as seen on her blog)...

Then a couple days pass and I forget about it. Until Sunday night when I checked Facebook after getting Carlee to bed and saw this...
What? Me? I won?
I never win anything. So this was a nice surprise. Plus who wouldn't love a free dress. 

I received the dress in the mail yesterday. I tried it on last night and it fits perfectly. I love it!
And it goes perfectly with these shoes that I bought recently after seeing them on another favorite blog, Stylish Dish.

I can't wait for warmer weather. I'm ready to wear summer clothes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back on the Wagon

The weight loss wagon, that is. Although I wouldn't say I completely fell off, but I was definitely leaning over the side pretty far. 

I blame the holidays. Doesn't everyone? Around that time I got a little lazy with the healthy eating and although I was still going to the gym all the time, I hit a major plateau. I finally decided I need to do something to push me past this stand still. That's when I walked into a gym by my work and inquired about personal training. The very next day I started working out with a personal trainer. By far the best thing I've ever done. Just what I need to take my fitness/ weight loss to the next level. 

He also put me on this horrible great nutrition plan. I lost 4 lbs the first week, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I'm anxious to see more results. I've definitely been putting in the hard work. 

I don't plan on falling off the wagon anytime soon. Or ever again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Picture Day

Today was Carlee's first picture day at school. I sent her to her grandma's house this morning with two outfits (that Carlee had picked out). Right before school, I was sent this picture message with her wearing a combination of the two outfits. 

Before I had dropped her off, I asked her if she was going to smile pretty for pictures. She said,"No but I'm going to pose." And this is why she's my Miss Sassy Pants.