Thursday, March 24, 2011

Winner winner chicken dinner!

There is a particular clothing company that I "like" on Facebook (and in real life for that matter...cute clothes)! So when Mixie Clothing posted that they were having a giveaway, I decided to give it a shot. All I had to do was follow them on Twitter and leave a comment. Done!

This was the dress (as seen on her blog)...

Then a couple days pass and I forget about it. Until Sunday night when I checked Facebook after getting Carlee to bed and saw this...
What? Me? I won?
I never win anything. So this was a nice surprise. Plus who wouldn't love a free dress. 

I received the dress in the mail yesterday. I tried it on last night and it fits perfectly. I love it!
And it goes perfectly with these shoes that I bought recently after seeing them on another favorite blog, Stylish Dish.

I can't wait for warmer weather. I'm ready to wear summer clothes.


  1. I'm so happy you won. Love the dress! It will look great on you!

  2. I love them both!!!!! especially those shoes....

  3. I can't wait for warmer weather either! Want to see a pic of you rocking that outfit. :)
