Monday, January 4, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

In the past, my New Years Eve was always fairly low key. Especially when you have a kid. This year, I had plans to party it up at my friend's house. My "party it up" is different than many people's "party it up," I'm sure. In any case, I was excited to have some adult interaction.

After I dropped the little one off at Grandma's- btw, she had no problem with me leaving, "bye, mom!" she said as soon as we walked in- I headed to the party house to help set up. Soon after we made sure there was enough food and alcohol, people started to arrive. We ended up having a great night. Good food with even better friends makes for some great times!

Also, I should add that I was probably the only sober one there and I was the one with the camera. That's bad news for some, but hilarious for me! I'll post the ones that are safe for the blog...

I have no clue what they're doing...

Me and the BFF...again I don't know what we're doing with the hands on the hips.

Kristen and Miss Dee... I wish I would have brought the peanut to the party. She could have played with her buddy and been my kiss at midnight!

My favorite picture of the night... And because a picture is worth a thousand words, I don't even have to say anything!

Happy New Year!!

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