Monday, January 4, 2010

Off to a good start

So far this year is off to a good start. Knock on wood that it continues this way since we're only 4 days in. But I have faith that good things will happen!! (Look at me being positive! Already keeping up on one of my resolutions.)

I've actually been doing good at all the resolutions I made! I had a good weigh in yesterday and am continuing to lose weight! Definitely something to smile about!

As you can see, I'm being more positive. I guess I should have added that I need to work on being more patient. That one would take some work and not being as easy as having a positive outlook on life.

On the potty training, I bought some Hello Kitty chonies. Its not exactly my idea of "tackling potty training" but its a step. Plus it takes more than me being ready. A certain someone can't boycott the potty chair. That's somewhat important in the potty training process. All in due time. Being patient and thinking positive!

I've already had a great start on my goal of reading more. I'm on my 2nd book of 2010. Why I haven't read more often, I don't know. Reading is my time to relax and is something I really enjoy to do. My goal is to read more often because it keeps me sane!

And of course I've been blogging more. Two posts in one day! It helps when I have stuff to talk about and pictures to share. Since it was so beautiful this weekend, we decided to have lunch at the park. I brought my camera since I've been slacking on the picture taking. Casey met us at the park so he could spend some time with the peanut. (More than anything I hope we can remain civil because it sure does make life easier).

Here are some pictures from our park lunch date. I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather to start this year off.

I hope I can keep this momentum up throughout 2010! I already know its going to be a great year!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, let me know if that book is good. I'm waiting to read it.
