Monday, January 25, 2010

Random Ramblings

I have a few things I wanted to blog about but nothing worthy of a single entry, so I'm throwing them all together. I was going to write this post last week but I was having such a crappy week. I will say that my car was fixed by Tuesday evening I think it was. However just days later my car gets broken into! I have never felt so violated, then just straight pissed off that I had to deal with getting a new window, etc. Like I hadn't dealt with enough already that week.

I guess its my fault that the bastards burglars chose my car because I have a ton of crap in my car. I have 3 space saver bags full of baby clothes that I need to give to my sister in law, odd toys, clothes, a shoe, and sippy cup. None of that was
taken. I guess baby clothes don't go for much on the black market. They did take the opener to my community gate and my cell phone car charger. I did have my Corningware travel case in my car. I assume they say it on the floorboard of my car and thought it was a black laptop bag or something. Imagine their surprise when they saw a casserole dish! Lesson learned on my part. Keep my car clean! (That's no easy task with a toddler, by the way)

On to some lighter topics...I did get the Brazilian Blowout a couple weeks ago. I don't have any after pictures because they'd look the same as any before picture of me w
ith straight flat ironed hair. (I have never taken a picture of me with my natural wavy frizz ball). But I wanted to give a review anyway. I was kind of skeptical at first. The stylist washed my hair, put the solution in, then spent 30-45 minutes round brushing my hair. After my hair was dry from the round brushing, she flat ironed it to "seal it". At this point I've very skeptical. She just spent a lot of time getting my hair straight (which is what I'm used to when I do it myself) and now she's going to wash it again! All that work down the drain, literally. But she assured me that it wouldn't take as long to blow dry straight afterward. Ok, we'll see. Less than 10 minutes after washing my hair we were done! I have to say I was amazed. And my hair was super soft! The real test would be me doing my hair myself. I usually just pull it back b/c I don't have enough time (i.e. too lazy) to do it every day. But since having it done, it takes me literally 5 minutes to blow dry my hair straight to where I can walk out the door. I may run a flat iron over it a couple times just to straighten it out a little more. Overall I am pleased with the results and can wear my hair down daily now! Now if only my hair will grow!

Speaking of hair growing, I put two little pigtails in Carlee's hair this weekend. I wish her hair would grow. (Actually its nice not to have to comb another head of hair right now). Plus she can only sit still for 2 seconds. If I do get rubber bands in her hair, she pulls them out within 5 minutes. If we're going to a party or function where I want her hair to look cute I usually have to threaten or bride.

I am loving this age though. Carlee cracks me up nonstop. I even have a hard time keeping a straight face when disciplining her. This weekend I told her No! and was giving her a stern look. She was returning my look with narrowed eyes of her own. I found myself having a stare down with a 2 year old. She starts to crack a smile but quickly recovers to a tight lipped pout. I couldn't help but bust up laughing. Where did this kid learn this stuff? That was my parenting fail of t
he weekend. I need to learn to hold out longer than a 2 year old. Man, these toddlers are tough. Another funny story is from being at Teta's house last night. We had gone to Teta's for dinner and some football. (Carlee does her cheers whenever she sees a game on)! Later on after the game, Carlee starts saying "Oh.My.God!" Again, where did she hear this? I correct her (by trying to teach her to say "gosh"). But since she is so darn cute, she had all of Teta's family laughing which results in her repeating "Oh...My...God" with the facial expressions and hand gestures! I couldn't figure out where she heard this, although not surprised since she's a parrot these days. It wasn't until Teta was going to tell me a story that she started by saying "Oh my God..." We both stopped and she said, "Its totally from me!" It was kind of funny. Just as long as Carlee doesn't text speak and say "O.M.G" or "L.O.L" then we're in good shape.

Oh and quickly, I will add that I read my 3rd book of the year, Bitter is the New Black. I had heard about this book but never read it before nor have I read any of Jen Lancaster's other books. I'm looking forward to picking up her other books.
I liked the author although I know some thought she was hideous. How can you not like a condescending, egomaniacal, self centerd smart ass?

Now I need to start a new book. I hope that will be my biggest dilemma this week...which book to start? Although I have already spilled my Starbucks all over my desk this morning. I hope that's not a clue to how this week is going to go. I can only handle so much! (But after reading my last book, I realize things could be a lot worse.)

So I'm thankful they're not. Yet anyway.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When it rains it pours

And I'm not talking about the weather.

I hate to sound like such a Debbie Downer, but sometimes I feel like nothing can go right. Among everything else I'm dealing with, my car decides to not start on Sunday when we were leaving G's birthday party. Right when it started raining no less!

I've developed this love/ hate relationship with AAA. I will say that I'm so glad I went into AAA last week to get my car registration and new tags because when I went there, I hadn't realized my membership expired. So I renewed my membership just last week.

Days later, my car won't start. I initially thought it was the battery. AAA came out and checked the battery. Their little diagnostic check said the alternator was bad, so we had to get a tow truck (this AAA guy only had a pick up). So again I wait for an actual tow truck. (During all this my mom had come to get Carlee and took her to the party we were supposed to be headed to). So AAA Guy#2 comes, loads my car up, and takes it to my mom's house. I had to ride with him. Talk about awkward conversation. I ended up borrowing a friend's car and finally meet my mom and Carlee. End of Day 1, Car Troubles.

Monday: Day 2. I called AAA early so they could get my car towed to a mechanic. AAA comes out, tests everything once again. AAA Guy#3 says that it's just the battery, not the alternator. So I bought a battery from him and he replaced it. He also said that the battery terminal is bad and advised I get it replaced soon. I just nodded my head. I go to work and back and as I get home, my radio starts flickering. I turn off the car and try to start it again. It didn't start. So I called AAA again! This time they didn't check the battery, I just had them tow it to the mechanic. Although when the AAA Guy#4 got there, my car started right up. Figures, right?

So my car goes to the shop, they test everything, and they just fix the battery terminal. My car was done around 6pm so we went and picked it up. Fixed in a couple hours! Too good to be true? It was. As I was driving back to my mom's, my radio started turning on and off, my headlights were flashing. I was able to pull into the driveway and I turned the car off. I tried to turn it on and it was a no go. I called the mechanic and he came to the house to check it out. (Now that's customer service!) He came by, said it's got to be the alternator although their test said the alternator was good. He advised me to call AAA and have them replace the battery since something drained this battery. Then in the morning, he'd come get the car and take it to the shop.

That night I call AAA for the 285th time. I explained that I needed them to replace the battery that they installed that morning. They send AAA Guy#5 out and because its after 7pm, they aren't authorized to do battery installs. So all he could do was jump it. Whatever. At this point, I was done dealing with it, I had a tired toddler, I wanted to go home. He jumped it just so we could move it out of the way. Did that then we went home.

Tuesday: Day 3. Again, I went to my mom's in the morning and called AAA early. Again I had explained to the dispatcher what exactly I needed. They had AAA Guy#6 come out at 7:30am. As I was walking out to meet the tow truck driver, my mechanic was driving by so he stopped and talked to the tow truck driver to explain the whole situation. Thank God, because I have no clue what I've been dealing with. Then the mechanic tells me that AAA doesn't do battery installs until 8am. What??? Why all these stupid rules about times? The guy is here now. Well, he left and didn't say a word to me. I call AAA again and tell them I want someone there at 8am sharp to replace the stupid battery.

That's when AAA Guy#3 from yesterday shows up. He asks me what happened. car won't start. Duh! So he tests the battery AGAIN. He says the battery is fine and he would jump start it to get me going. I explained that the mechanic wanted my car back. He didn't know why since it was just the battery. So he said to go start the car before he leaves. I get into the car, go to start it and "click, click, click, click". Nothing. I asked him "So what does that mean?" He couldn't answer. I called the mechanic and explained the situation. He ended up talking to the AAA guy. AAA jump started my car so the mechanic could come pick it up. So I'm standing there with my car running for the mechanic. All of a sudden the car just dies. What do I do now? Luckily the mechanic had a different battery and got it running to take back to the shop. They called and said it is the alternator after all. I'm hoping is is indeed that and they can fix it. Its not a lot of money (thank goodness).

Looking back it's kind of amusing. I just hope this is the end of car troubles for awhile. A LONG while.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a week!

This past week has been a whirlwind of emotions. I've had bad days, slightly better days, and now I'm having good days. I can honestly say I'm feeling pretty good. I've actually been able to sleep at night. (Maybe its the Nyquil I've taken to get rid of this cold), either way I'm glad to have a full night's rest. Now if it wasn't for this cough, I'd be feeling even better!

Here are some random tidbits from this past week that are reasons to smile! It's moments like these that I need to remind myself that I am blessed.
Here are Carlee and Kaylee in line at Disneyland. We were waiting for the Finding Nemo submarines. Ah, to be a kid again. Look at their faces. No worries, stress or anything. They didn't even fret the 20 minute wait in line. We had a great time at Disneyland but man, is that place crowded. I don't do crowds well, especially with a stroller. But we didn't pay to get in so I can't complain!! (We have yet to buy a pass. If I can get signed in for free, I'll do that as long as possible).

I also finished reading my 2nd book of 2010, Barefoot by Elin Hilderbrand. It wasn't bad. I enjoyed it for the most part. I'm usually easy to please and like everything I read. Maybe it was because I read this when I was feeling my lowest and looking for a distraction, that I was slightly disappointed. I'm sure the storyline didn't help either. You have two sisters and one friend spending the summer together to escape/ deal with their problems. One sister has cancer and has 2 little boys, the friend is pregnant who's husband was having an affair, and the other sister couldn't be with the man she loved and wanted. Not exactly what I wanted to read about but I finished it anyway. I have 48 more books to read before the years over. I think American Idol is going to interrupt my momentum. The past two nights, I have no read anything but watched those stupid auditions. Its like a train wreck, you can't help but watch. I can't believe some people actually think they sound good!

Other than watching TV and not reading, I went to dinner with my bestie. Its always good when we get together... well, because she's my bestie! We met at Red Robin at the mall and when the waitress came to our table, Carlee spoke up and said "diet coke!" She knows what her momma likes! And I admit she has had sips of mine. If that makes me a bad parent, so be it! I swore my kid would never know what soda was, but that was before I had kids!

Last night I went to counseling (yay for feeling better!) and my brother watched Carlee. We were both a litle nervous because it was for a couple of hours and he had never watched her that long. But they watched Barney together and Carlee colored in his tattoos on his arms. Everything went well! When I was piking Carlee up, my brother said "punk" in some sentence. Carlee repeated him but it came out "f*ck". We immediately started laughing, causing Carlee to say "f*ck, f*ck, F*CK!" It was pretty hilarious because she had no clue what she was saying and she wasn't even meaning to say that. She was trying to say punk. First soda and now the F word, I'm definitely not getting mom of the year!

I'm hoping I have another week filled with funny moments that I can look back on and smile about. Today I'm smiling because I'm getting the Brazilian Blowout! Its been a long time since I've done something for myself! Plus, when I'm feeling good about myself, I'm happy! This is my ultimate be happy!! Hopefully I'm happy with my hair tonight.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keep Ya Head Up

Thinking of "keeping my head up" reminds me of the Tupac song. Who would have thought Tupac was so wise?

I was doing so good emotionally and physically. Then I experienced a major setback. Nothing that I can't overcome. But definitely a blow to my ego, emotions, whatever. Its times like these where I'm forced to refocus myself and just work harder to move forward.

In doing so, I'm going to keep Carlee and myself busy. Not only will it be a distraction but our relationship/ bond will only get stronger.

One of my goals of 2010 is to read 50 books. Reading is definitely a good distraction. I love to get lost in a book. Its nice to escape reality even if it is for an hour. I'm currently on my 2nd book. We'll see if I can keep up and meet my goal.

I've also been trying to find a class for Carlee. I've looked at the surrounding cities recreation classes and have found some possible winners. They have Hip Hop for Tiny Tots. That seems right up her alley. But I read that parents can watch the first and last class! What happens during all the rest of the classes? I can't imagine Carlee just going into a class and being ok with it. Maybe she'd surprise me and maybe I just can't imagine her leaving me to go into a class herself. I guess it could be good for her especially since she'll be starting preschool in the Fall. (That seems far away, but I have to register her soon!)

There's also gymnastics. Or we can try Mommy and Me ballet again. I know she'd be more into it than at 18 months. We'll see.

I'm also going to get a Disneyland pass.We already have plans to go with our friends. I'm so excited to see Carlee's excitement. There's nothing better than seeing a child smile. We plan on spending lots of hours at the happiest place on earth!

Hoping for only good times ahead!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Off to a good start

So far this year is off to a good start. Knock on wood that it continues this way since we're only 4 days in. But I have faith that good things will happen!! (Look at me being positive! Already keeping up on one of my resolutions.)

I've actually been doing good at all the resolutions I made! I had a good weigh in yesterday and am continuing to lose weight! Definitely something to smile about!

As you can see, I'm being more positive. I guess I should have added that I need to work on being more patient. That one would take some work and not being as easy as having a positive outlook on life.

On the potty training, I bought some Hello Kitty chonies. Its not exactly my idea of "tackling potty training" but its a step. Plus it takes more than me being ready. A certain someone can't boycott the potty chair. That's somewhat important in the potty training process. All in due time. Being patient and thinking positive!

I've already had a great start on my goal of reading more. I'm on my 2nd book of 2010. Why I haven't read more often, I don't know. Reading is my time to relax and is something I really enjoy to do. My goal is to read more often because it keeps me sane!

And of course I've been blogging more. Two posts in one day! It helps when I have stuff to talk about and pictures to share. Since it was so beautiful this weekend, we decided to have lunch at the park. I brought my camera since I've been slacking on the picture taking. Casey met us at the park so he could spend some time with the peanut. (More than anything I hope we can remain civil because it sure does make life easier).

Here are some pictures from our park lunch date. I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather to start this year off.

I hope I can keep this momentum up throughout 2010! I already know its going to be a great year!!

Ringing in the New Year

In the past, my New Years Eve was always fairly low key. Especially when you have a kid. This year, I had plans to party it up at my friend's house. My "party it up" is different than many people's "party it up," I'm sure. In any case, I was excited to have some adult interaction.

After I dropped the little one off at Grandma's- btw, she had no problem with me leaving, "bye, mom!" she said as soon as we walked in- I headed to the party house to help set up. Soon after we made sure there was enough food and alcohol, people started to arrive. We ended up having a great night. Good food with even better friends makes for some great times!

Also, I should add that I was probably the only sober one there and I was the one with the camera. That's bad news for some, but hilarious for me! I'll post the ones that are safe for the blog...

I have no clue what they're doing...

Me and the BFF...again I don't know what we're doing with the hands on the hips.

Kristen and Miss Dee... I wish I would have brought the peanut to the party. She could have played with her buddy and been my kiss at midnight!

My favorite picture of the night... And because a picture is worth a thousand words, I don't even have to say anything!

Happy New Year!!