Monday, May 24, 2010

Another first

I had dinner plans to celebrate my friend K-Rod's birthday and while I was at dinner Auntie Ashley was going to babysit Carlee. Ashley had mentioned she had tickets to the Dodger game that night and wanted to take Carlee. I was a little nervous. Nervous for Ashley taking a toddler to a baseball game. I've never attempted to take her to a game because I couldn't imagine her sitting through a game let alone one inning. But Ashley was more than happy to take her and give it a try.

I was getting updates via text messages throughout dinner on how she was doing. She had taken a power nap in the car ride to the stadium which probably helped. Overall she did very well and lasted the entire game. I'm impressed.

Here she is in front of the Stadium...

Doing the Wave with auntie.

Being a ham...

Making sure Uncle Frank didn't take too much popcorn.

Popcorn, popcorn, and more popcorn!

And cotton candy too!?

Now I know why Carlee was so well behaved. She got spoiled with goodies by Auntie. Now I know she enjoys the game so Mommy can take her to an ANGELS game (sorry Auntie)!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Ok, so I realize I need to work on the creativity of the title of my posts. I'll work on that.

But we have been busy!! I try to have some activities planned for us on the weekends. Do something new and different, get out of the house, and have fun!

Last weekend we went to Sesame Street Live. I was actually really excited for the show. Well, maybe not the show itself but to see Carlee's reaction to the show. She loves her some Elmo and friends. So Saturday morning, Carlee, Grandma, and I headed to the arena. We had bought tickets for the morning show since it was before lunch and before naptime.

Carlee posing for the camera.

Here's one showing off her Elmo shirt
As soon as we entered the building, you're bombarded with junk! Of course there's a souvenir stand. But what was surprising (not sure why) was the cotton candy, sno cones, and other candy all over the place. Where were the healthier options? I guess I should have snuck more snacks in my purse. After I got over the fact that they didn't offer apple slices, we took our seats.

Carlee was having a great time dancing to the songs, looking at all the characters, just enjoying the show (and her cotton candy)! They had a brief intermission and during that time, a man came out selling Elmo balloons. A pretty smart sales tactic if you ask me. I offered to get Carlee a balloon. Little did I know they were $10 each!! What a rip off.

Carlee started having a meltdown right before the end of the show. So we headed out so we could grab lunch before naptime. We ended up going to South Coast Plaza for lunch and picking up the 239684327th item Grandma has purchased from Z Gallerie. From there, we went home for a nap and relaxed the rest of the day!!
The next day we had decided to meet Grandpa at the beach. I had been wanting to take Carlee to the beach (can't wait for summer!) and we had just bought new sand toys. The weather wasn't great Sunday morning but we bundled up and wanted to play in the sand anyway.
As we were getting ready, I was putting on my bathing suit (in hopes the sun would come out). Carlee walks into the room and asks "Mommy, you putting on your bathing suit like me?" I said "Yes I am." She replied, "But you have boobies and I have chi chi's." I still crack up thinking about her remark. She said it so matter of factly. Thanks for the clarification, Carlee!

When we got to the beach, we walked to Main Street to get a hot chocolate from Starbucks. After warming up a bit, we made our way down the sand.
At first, Carlee didn't want to get dirty. You'd think she was walking on egg shells. She was happy playing in the sand from her chair.

Carlee had taken off her jacket because she was "hot". I tried taking a picture of her cute bathing suit but she wasn't happy. This is her storming over to hit my camera. She's cute even when pissed!
She had more fun stomping on the castles that Grandpa made. She's always been a "destructo".

After being at the beach for a few hours, we came home and napped for a couple more! When you play hard, you nap hard! That's also a good thing for getting out and trying new things. Long nap= heaven for mommies!

Today we're going to attempt to take Carlee to see her first movie in a movie theater! We're going to see Shrek Forever After. Good thing its only an hour and a half. I wonder how she'll do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day has had a different meaning as of 3 years ago. I've always appreciated my mom and tried to celebrate Mother's Day for her. But once you become a mother, your life has purpose and meaning. And I definitely appreciate my mom a whole lot more after becoming a mom myself. Lord knows it isn't easy!!
This year we went to breakfast with my mom, my brother, Carlee, my friend, and her mom. We went to our usual spot and had a good time.
Here's Carlee and Grandma...

And here she is without shoes...

After breakfast, my mom, Carlee and I headed to the mall for pedicures. This was Carlee's first time at the nail salon. I was a little nervous. But she likes her nails painted so I was hoping she'd do ok. When we got there she got to pick out her nail polish. She chose pink of course!
She did pretty well although when painting a toddlers nails, you need to be quick. I don't think the nail lady has had many two year old customers. She had to redo a couple nails. But for the most part Carlee did well. She even got two little flowers painted on her toenails like Grandma.

How cute are her little feet! I can't wait to have many more nail salon trips with my daughter!! I'm the luckiest mom!! What a great Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life's a Beach

Long Beach that is. One Saturday morning, I woke up thinking I want to do something different and fun with Carlee. The aquarium popped into my head. I went online to see when they open and found out it was the weekend of their kids' festival. We got ready and headed down there.

It was such a beautiful day outside. We enjoyed just walking around before the aquarium opened.

Then the aquarium opened and Carlee wanted to find "Nemo". She was in awe of every exhibit.

Included in the kids festival was free face painting, arts and crafts where Carlee painted a shark pink, and different shows performed in the main hall.

Here Carlee is showing off her "purple fish tattoo."

She loved putting her hands in the water and wanted to touch the sting rays. She wasn't scared at all.

Posing for mommy!! I wish I took my good camera (only had my phone). The aquarium is a great place to take pictures!

She wanted to take a picture in front of the orange and pink fish.

Then after all the fun at the aquarium, we headed over to Shoreline Village for lunch. It was such a beautiful day that we lunched on the patio.

I love this girl. She makes me laugh.

After lunch we headed home for a nap. As soon as I buckled her in the car seat, she passed out. Too much fun with mommy. I try. Our next adventure is going to be Sesame Street Live.

Off to Grandmother's house we go!

Carlee and Grandma had a date night planned for Friday while Mommy went to the Dodger game with some friends. If you ask Carlee where I went she'll say "Mommy play games with Teta." Close enough. Carlee knew she was going to be going to Grandma's and all week she kept asking when she was going to go to Grandma's and when her and Grandma were going to Target. This kid loves her some Target. She knows where all the local Targets are and often cries out if we've passed a Target and didn't turn it. So finally Friday rolled around and we were about to head over to Grandma's house. Right before we left, Carlee came around the corner saying "This is heavy for me Mommy. This is heavy for me." Just as I turned to look at her, I saw her piggy bank drop on the floor and break into 4 big pieces. Before she could get upset, I told her it was an accident and we'd by a new one. Then I reminded her that she's going to Target with Grandma, so she can get a new one then. That stopped any tears that were starting.
Carlee was happy to see Grandma and Starr (the dog). Carlee didn't even care that I was leaving. She was excited for her night. While at the Dodger game, Grandma sent me pictures of my funny little girl.
Here she is trying to get out of her car seat...

Here she is with her new "oink oink" aka piggy bank. I think she's happy now.

Here she's modeling the new clothes Grandma bought. Spoiled! I guess while in Target, Grandma would pick out an outfit and Carlee would say "I have that". I guess this happened a few times. (We shop at Target, what can I say?)

I don't know what she's doing here, but I thought it was a funny picture.

And lastly, Grandma's two favorite girls!!!