Friday, May 21, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Ok, so I realize I need to work on the creativity of the title of my posts. I'll work on that.

But we have been busy!! I try to have some activities planned for us on the weekends. Do something new and different, get out of the house, and have fun!

Last weekend we went to Sesame Street Live. I was actually really excited for the show. Well, maybe not the show itself but to see Carlee's reaction to the show. She loves her some Elmo and friends. So Saturday morning, Carlee, Grandma, and I headed to the arena. We had bought tickets for the morning show since it was before lunch and before naptime.

Carlee posing for the camera.

Here's one showing off her Elmo shirt
As soon as we entered the building, you're bombarded with junk! Of course there's a souvenir stand. But what was surprising (not sure why) was the cotton candy, sno cones, and other candy all over the place. Where were the healthier options? I guess I should have snuck more snacks in my purse. After I got over the fact that they didn't offer apple slices, we took our seats.

Carlee was having a great time dancing to the songs, looking at all the characters, just enjoying the show (and her cotton candy)! They had a brief intermission and during that time, a man came out selling Elmo balloons. A pretty smart sales tactic if you ask me. I offered to get Carlee a balloon. Little did I know they were $10 each!! What a rip off.

Carlee started having a meltdown right before the end of the show. So we headed out so we could grab lunch before naptime. We ended up going to South Coast Plaza for lunch and picking up the 239684327th item Grandma has purchased from Z Gallerie. From there, we went home for a nap and relaxed the rest of the day!!
The next day we had decided to meet Grandpa at the beach. I had been wanting to take Carlee to the beach (can't wait for summer!) and we had just bought new sand toys. The weather wasn't great Sunday morning but we bundled up and wanted to play in the sand anyway.
As we were getting ready, I was putting on my bathing suit (in hopes the sun would come out). Carlee walks into the room and asks "Mommy, you putting on your bathing suit like me?" I said "Yes I am." She replied, "But you have boobies and I have chi chi's." I still crack up thinking about her remark. She said it so matter of factly. Thanks for the clarification, Carlee!

When we got to the beach, we walked to Main Street to get a hot chocolate from Starbucks. After warming up a bit, we made our way down the sand.
At first, Carlee didn't want to get dirty. You'd think she was walking on egg shells. She was happy playing in the sand from her chair.

Carlee had taken off her jacket because she was "hot". I tried taking a picture of her cute bathing suit but she wasn't happy. This is her storming over to hit my camera. She's cute even when pissed!
She had more fun stomping on the castles that Grandpa made. She's always been a "destructo".

After being at the beach for a few hours, we came home and napped for a couple more! When you play hard, you nap hard! That's also a good thing for getting out and trying new things. Long nap= heaven for mommies!

Today we're going to attempt to take Carlee to see her first movie in a movie theater! We're going to see Shrek Forever After. Good thing its only an hour and a half. I wonder how she'll do.

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